Our mission

Our group’s purpose is to leverage our collective expertise to develop and implement specialized equipment solutions, enabling our customers be best-in-class industrial players wherever they operate.

Our strength is our shared in ...
Industry-leading design 

providing maximum value to our customers

Worldwide reach 

with dedicated local resources for our global customers

An ongoing emphasis 

on product development and R&D to serve our customers’ ever-changing needs

Market leaders

in the bakery, health, and food industries

Service attitude

driven by a deep and committed understanding of our customers’ daily challenges

Effective corporate structure

for integrating new portfolio assets to continue growing our Group

Our global values
are our signature
Excellence in action, 

because it’s about leading, not just keeping up

Passionate professionalism, 

because it’s always necessary to bring something extra

Solution-driven innovations, 

because optimization moves our custumers' business forward

Fully dedicated support for our customers, 

because we offer partnership no just sales

Valued and respectful relationships,

because we invest in the long-term

Copyright LINXIS GROUP ©2024